LEVI MEMBER: Boulder County Legal Services

BOULDER COUNTY LEGAL SERVICES (BCLS) is a 501( c )( 3 ) agency, in existence since 1975. BCLS’s mission is to provide meaningful access to high quality, civil, legal services in the pursuit of justice for as many low-income persons and members of vulnerable populations throughout Colorado as possible. BCLS serves the geographical area of Boulder County.
BCLS employs 3 career staff, and enjoys the support of someĀ 260 volunteers. Bilingual services are available for the initial contact, and for clients who require legal representation, or assistance in the pro se clinic. Education The agency currently has agency speakers to address the issues of domestic violence.
BCLS does not provide shelter but can assist with legal issues regarding housing matters (i.e. evictions or foreclosures).
Direct Services
BCLS provides legal assistance for eligible low-income clients who are victims of domestic violence in a variety of areas. Forty to forty-five percent of our caseload is family law, including restraining orders, divorce and custody. We give priority to cases involving domestic violence. BCLS can also assist with other legal issues including housing matters (evictions and foreclosures), consumer, public benefits, health and disability law. Through its staff and its network of pro bono attorneys, BCLS provides a variety of civil legal services including legal advice and information, mediation, drafting of documents, and representation in court or administrative hearings. Louisville office hours are 8:30-12:00 and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Appointments are required. BCLS schedules appointments in Longmont and in Boulder locations 2 days during each month. Clients must call the Louisville office for an appointment.
BCLS does not provide direct funds to clients. Clients must be financially eligible to receive services or meet guidelines for services for seniors 60 years and older. Please call BCLS to inquire about eligibility.
BCLS participates in several human service coalitions.
BCLS will represent clients seeking civil restraining orders.
Boulder County Legal Services
315 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 205 Louisville, CO 80027
Phone – 303.449.7575 fax – 303.447.3167
Pro-bono Coordinator – Erika Martinez
Website: www.coloradolegalservices.org