CITY OF LONGMONT COMMUNITY & NEIGHBORHOOD RESOURCES is a municipal agency. The purpose of this program is to advance a process by which the city government, residents, businesses and other neighborhood interests will work in partnership to maintain a high quality of life within Longmont neighborhoods. And to assist all members of the Longmont community who need help in gaining access to and use of various City and community services and resources. Community & Neighborhood Resources wants to ensure maximum community participation by empowering citizens to access community resources and services, and by ensuring cultural sensitivity throughout the community. This is accomplished by developing minority leadership; by mediating and facilitating conflict resolution; by providing technical assistance and cultural diversity training; by providing information and referral; and by participating in special projects. The City of Longmont Community & Neighborhood Resources Coordinator serves the geographical jurisdiction of the City of Longmont.
The City of Longmont Community & Neighborhood Resources seeks to assist all members of the Longmont community who need help in gaining access to and use of various City and community services and resources. Community & Neighborhood Resources wants to ensure maximum community participation by empowering citizens to access community resources and services, and by ensuring cultural sensitivity throughout the community. This is accomplished by developing Neighborhood involvement; by developing minority leadership; by mediating and facilitating conflict resolution; by providing technical assistance and cultural diversity training; by providing information and referral; and by participating in special projects. Agency staff will be available to assist with coordination of neighborhood wide efforts to reduce/eliminate domestic violence. Bilingual services are available.
Community & Neighborhood Resources has a variety of publications available for residents. These publications include Good Neighboring Resource Guide, landlord tenant handbook, Mobil home handbook, Developing Block Parties, and a Handbook for a Better Neighborhood (http://www.ci.longmont.co.us/cnr/handbook/neighborhood/index.htm). Call for other titles. The community & Neighborhood Resources staff is available to serve as public speakers for your neighborhood/community issue or direct you the person best suited to respond to your request. Office hours are 8 a.m. until 5 p.m., Monday – Friday. Services are provided to residents of all ages.
The Community & Neighborhood Resources staff can serve as a referral to other city resources, to your local neighborhood group leaders association, or in the development of creative solutions. Community & neighborhood resources staff do not act on behalf of the Neighborhood Group Leaders Association.
City of Longmont Community & Neighborhood Resources
350 Kimbark Street Longmont, CO, 80501
Phone – 303.651.8721 Fax – 303.651.8590
Email Community & Neighborhood Resources
Jon Clarke, Neighborhood Resources Coordinator